Sep 10, 2024, 11:40 PM
Journalist ID: 1852
News ID: 85593064
2 Persons


Iranian female scholars considerably increasing

Sep 10, 2024, 11:40 PM
News ID: 85593064
Iranian female scholars considerably increasing

Tehran, IRNA - Iranian women have been able to achieve countless successes in various fields, and 70% of Iran's university graduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are women.

There are also many successful Iranian women all over the world who are famous in many fields of science and technology.

A number of these women have achieved the highest honors in certain fields.

While the West is trying to show a distorted image of Iranian women, the promotion of women's status in Iran and their presence in various scientific and academic fields is undeniable.

These are some countries with the highest percentage of female STEM graduates: Iran: 70%, Algeria: 58%, Mongolia: 57%, Morocco: 45%, Malaysia: 43.5%, United Arab Emirates: 37%, Denmark: 36%, South Korea: 32%, Belarus: 30%

Since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in February 1979, Iranian women have shone in different political, social, cultural, scientific, educational, and artistic fields in both national and international arenas during the past 44 years.

Despite all the problems and challenges that women all over the world face, they do not give up their dreams and goals and strive to be useful in society. Like many women in the world, Iranian women have also proved their capabilities in various fields and succeeded both nationally and internationally.

The scientific progress of Iranian women in the years after the Islamic Revolution has been very impressive.

Despite some difficulties, the Iranian female population has been provided with the opportunity to study at universities in various fields so that educated women are seen as one of the most important social assets of the country today.

In the pre-Revolution era, most of the female pupils were keen on studying art and medical sciences at universities, but nowadays, they study in all fields including engineering, mathematics, economy, and agriculture.

As of 2006, women accounted for over half of university students in Iran and 70% of science and engineering students.

In 2012, according to UNESCO data, over 2 million out of 4 million students in tertiary education in Iran were females, thus marking the fifth largest female enrollment after China, India, the US and Brazil.

In engineering fields, Iranian female enrollment ranked first in the world and in science fields second, after the US.

*Sources: UNESCO, Routledge Open Research, Statista


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